Did one of the wagons loaded with new carbines break down during the Custer Expedition in the Black Hills? Did Custer leave a detail to repair the wagon? Did that detail of men run from an Indian attack, after having burnt the wagon and buried the guns?
The story goes that along Castle Creek, one of the wagons loaded with new carbines broke down. Custer left a detail to repair the wagon and catch up with the main body of troops later. While the repair job was being done, the soldiers were attacked by Indians. After driving the Indians off, the detail, fearing another attack, buried the carbines and then burned the wagon. The guns would be worth a small fortune to a gun collector today.
Later they rejoined the main group. Custer did not want to antagonize the Indians further, and continued without retrieving them.
This is not the location of the cache but is as good a place as any to stop your ride to ponder the Custer’s Springfield Rifle cache.
DECIMAL DEGREES: 44.037115, -103.859070