Black Hills ATV Destinations Advertising partners:
Riders visited Black Hills ATV Destinations on the average of 75 visits per day, from the United States and Canada(we block most everyone else). Partners received on the average, one referral(click from our pages to each partner) every other day from Black Hills ATV Destinations. Our Facebook pages have 9,200 followers.
Black Hills ATV Destinations has become the premier source of trail, ATV friendly businesses and ATV recreational destinations in the Black Hills
Please choose your level of placement on Black Hills ATV Destinations. As the Level advance, partners are placed on Black Hills ATV Destinations more prominately. We offer two placement levels:
ATV Supporter Level @ $660.00
ATV Industry Level @ $1320.00
*the first in and highest Level determines placement location on each page
Each level is for an Annual Subscription with an August 1 start date.
Choose the level of participation that best meets your needs. Together we will bring ATV/UTV interested customers to your website.
You want to take full advantage of what Black Hills ATV Destinations can do for your ATV/UTV friendly business.
Includes numerous, at least three:
Numerous Front page slideshow placements
Numerous Menu Category placements (Ride & Stay etc.)
Numerous Subcategory placements (Favorite Ride etc.)
You are a large part of the industry and offer many ATV/UTV services, or you are a dealer.
Includes multiple prominent placements throughout website:
Multiple Front page slideshow placements
Multiple Menu Category placements (Ride & Stay etc.)
Multiple Subcategory placements (Favorite Ride etc.)
Multiple Strategic placements (Slider placements)
*at this level of placement our goal is that every website customer sees your website icon
…Thank you.
Since you are with us when we are growing, we will be there working with you when we are big!